Saturday, January 22, 2011

This week was very busy but I was productive and accomplished many projects. I started my hours in Christoval this week and really enjoyed all the people I will be working with.

After reading in our ethical and legal issues book I found myself very interested in seeing what other counselors do in a certain situation. The quiz was helpful giving you the chance to picture what you would do in certain situation and then giving you the answer and laws to back it up. Just in the past two weeks I have realized that it is very important to find a law to support the decisions you are making.

Reading the sections about students endangering themselve was heart breaking. It is sad that students feel they have to resort to this instead of asking for help. The book explains the procedures a counselor or person must go through in order to keep our students safe as well as their confidentiality.


  1. Hey Kindra! I am in your group and tried to invite you as a follower to my blog...not sure how successful I was with that!!! :) I agree that reading the sections in the text book was very eye opening. The quiz made me realize how many of the dillemas we will face as counselors are not always black and white and can be tricky as far as how to handle them! Hope you have a great week!
